The Ultimate Guide to Microblading Removal


Wondering how to reverse that microblading decision? Whether dissatisfaction with shape or color has you seeking change, this guide walks you through various microblading removal techniques. From professional to at-home solutions, including our Brow Rewind Microblading Removal System, we cover it all. 

For each removal method we will go over the following:

- How it works

- Who its right for

- Number of treatments needed

- Price range

- Effectiveness timeline

- Expected pain level

- Potential risks

- Overall pros and cons

Professional Microblading Removal Methods

1. Laser Eyebrow Tattoo Removal

How it Works:

This method employs a high-intensity light beam that targets the pigment in the microblading ink. Different wavelengths of light are used depending on the ink color to shatter the pigment particles, which are then absorbed and expelled by the body's immune system.

Who it's Right For:

Those seeking quick and effective removal. Works best on organic pigments similar to body tattoo ink. Laser removal is right for permanent makeup removal if you know your artist used a body tattoo ink and NOT a permanent makeup pigment. This is because laser removal has a harder time with removing permanent makeup pigments compared to body tattoo ink. Permanent makeup pigments are made up of many base colors, typically 6-8,  unlike body ink which is usually made of 1 singular and organic color. 

Removal lasers have an easier time removing cooler colors such as black, blue, purple and green. This makes it great for most body tattoo removals. However, it has a difficult time removing warmer tones such as yellows, pinks, oranges and reds, at least one of which are always included in an eyebrow permanent makeup pigment. 

Additionally, if your eyebrow pigment contains white (common in blonde eyebrow pigments) then you're at risk of the laser turning the color gray.

Treatments Needed: 3-6 sessions.

Price Range: $200-$500 per session.

Effectiveness Timeline: While some patients may see significant results after just one session, typically, it takes multiple treatments spaced 6-8 weeks apart. The full fading process can take several months to a year, depending on skin type, ink depth, and color.

Pain level: Moderate to high; Consider using a product such as Jpro Numbing Cream to help minimize pain after the procedure

Potential Risks: 

The primary risks include hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin), hypopigmentation (lightening of the skin), and the possibility of burns if not performed correctly. There is also a risk of incomplete pigment removal, leading to a patchy appearance. Oftentimes laser removal of permanent makeup and microblading will result in permanent yellow, pink, orange or red eyebrows since it will remove all of the cool colors but leave the warm colors.  

Laser tattoo removal can also permanently damage the papilla of the eyebrow hair. This could mean that the hair no longer grows, loses pigmentation and turns white. Changes in the eyebrow hair texture or growth direction can also occur. 

Lastly,  laser removal for microblading removal can turn the color white to gray. White is often added to permanent makeup colors for opacity.

Pros and Cons:

-  Pros: Fast and effective. 
-  Cons: Can be costly and uncomfortable, with potential for skin damage. Potential for eyebrow hair damage. Can cause unwanted color changes.

2. Microblading Saline Removal

How it Works: 

Saline removal involves using a solution (usually a mixture of salt and purified water) that is tattooed into the skin where the microblading occurred. The saline solution binds to the pigment particles. Your body then draws them out of the skin, gradually lightening the tattoo.

Who it's Right For: Those with sensitive skin or lighter ink. Works best on permanent makeup pigments.

Treatments Needed: 2-8 sessions.

Price Range: $100-$300 per session.

Effectiveness Timeline: Results vary by individual, but generally, the skin starts to scab and peel within the first week after treatment, taking with it some of the microblading pigment. Several sessions are often necessary, with full results taking anywhere from a few months to a year.

Pain level: Moderate. Consider using a product such as Jpro Numbing Creamto help minimize pain after the procedure. 

Potential Risks: Risks include infection if the area isn't properly cared for post-treatment, as well as possible scarring or changes in skin texture. These risks are avoided with proper after-care. 

Pros and Cons:

- Pros: Gentler on skin, more affordable. No risk of damage to eyebrow hair. 

- Cons: Requires more sessions, slower results.

3. Glycolic Acid Removal

How it Works:

Glycolic acid is a type of alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) that, when applied in a specific formulation, can penetrate the skin and dissolve the ink pigments of the microblading. This method usually involves a controlled application by a professional, where the acid is used to break down the pigment particles, allowing them to be expelled from the skin over time. It is typically administered as a series of glycolic acid peels, done by an esthetician or dermatologist. 

Who it's Right For: Suitable for those seeking a non-laser alternative that can target a wider range of pigment depths and colors.

Treatments Needed: Typically, 4-8 sessions are required, spaced out over several weeks.

Price Range: $150-$400 per session, depending on the practitioner and location.

Effectiveness Timeline: Visible results can vary; some may notice lightening after the first few sessions, but complete removal usually takes several months.

Pain Level: Moderate to high; most practitioners will use a topical anesthetic numbing gel to reduce discomfort.

Potential Risks: Potential risks include skin irritation, redness, peeling, and in rare cases, scarring or changes in skin pigmentation. This method is very dangerous if done with needles and shouldn't be attempted as it is almost sure to cause permanent scarring.

Pros and Cons:

-  Pros: Effective for different ink colors and depths, non-laser alternative.

-  Cons: Requires multiple sessions, potential discomfort and skin irritation.

At-Home Microblading Removal Methods

1. Brow Rewind Microblading Removal System

How it Works: The Brow Rewind system uses a proprietary formula designed to safely fade microblading ink. It's applied directly to the eyebrows, where it works to gradually dissolve the pigment particles. The formula contains ingredients that help to break down the pigment and facilitate its removal from the skin.

Who it's Right For: Those seeking an at-home solution that is safe, gentle, and cost-effective.

Treatments Needed: Varies by individual.

Price Range: $159.99 + Free Shipping

Effectiveness Timeline: Since this is a gentler approach, the timeline can vary widely between users. Typically, users may start to see results after 3 months of regular application, with more significant results after 6 months.

Potential Risks: As this is a milder, at-home treatment, the risks are significantly lower than professional methods. However, there is still a small risk of skin irritation or allergic reaction to the ingredients. Follow the instructions carefully to minimize risk.

Pros and Cons:

-  Pros: Convenient, private, cost-efficient. 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

-  Cons: Slower than professional methods, consistency required.

Click here to learn more about Brow Rewind Microblading Removal System

2. Being Patient

How it Works: This method requires no action other than normal skin regeneration processes. The skin naturally exfoliates over time, which can gradually fade the microblading pigments as new skin cells replace old ones.

Who it's Right For: This method only works if the microblading was done appropriately. If the microblading is done too deep or the color is overly saturated, then the microblading may last for the rest of your life unless you pursue other removal methods.

Treatments Needed: Time itself is the treatment.

Price Range: Free.

Effectiveness Timeline: This is the slowest method, as it relies solely on your skin's natural renewal cycle. It can take years for the microblading to fade entirely, depending on factors like the depth and quality of the original ink used.

Pain Level: None.

Potential Risks: There are no direct risks associated with this method since it involves natural body processes. However, the unpredictability and slow pace can be a "risk" to your patience.

Pros and Cons:

-  Pros: Cost-free, no additional skin trauma.

-  Cons: Very slow, unpredictable results. Only works if the microblading procedure was done correctly. 

3. Going Against Recommended Aftercare

How it Works: This method, though not recommended, involves neglecting the aftercare instructions provided post-microblading, such as exposing the area to sunlight, sweating within the first week, picking at scabs, or using certain skincare products that can accelerate fading.

Who it's Right For: Not advisable, but some opt for this route.

Treatments Needed: Not applicable.

Price Range: Potential cost of skin health.

Effectiveness Timeline: While some might notice quicker fading, the exact timeline is unpredictable and can lead to uneven or incomplete removal.

Pain Level: Unpredictable.

Potential Risks: The risks include infection, increased scarring, uneven fading, and potentially more permanent skin damage.

Pros and Cons:

-  Pros: Potential for quicker fading.

-  Cons: High risk of adverse effects.

We don't recommend this method, all of the above listed methods are better options. 


Choosing the right microblading removal method depends on various factors, including your skin type, budget, pain tolerance, and desired outcome. Whether you opt for a professional procedure like laser or saline removal or prefer an at-home solution like Brow Rewind, understanding the process, risks, and aftercare is key to achieving the best results. Remember, patience is often your best ally in the journey to fixing your brows. 

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